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Love Is Like Magic

Love is like magic, and it always will be. For love still remains life's sweet mystery!

Love works in ways that are wondrous and strange And there's nothing in life that love cannot change!

Love can transform the most commonplace Into beauty and splendor and sweetness and grace.

Love is unselfish, understanding and kind, For it sees with its heart and not with its mind! (by Helen Steiner Rice)

About this Artwork:

GREEN is the color of the HEART Chakra that connects us to unconditional love and it is used for balancing our whole being.

When our Heart Chakra is healthy, we live our days with compassion and our emotions are balanced. We see and enjoy the beauty in life and we are able to forgive a hurt with more ease.

Green cleanses and balances our energy, it gives us a feeling of renewal, peace and harmony.

It helps us to relax muscles, nerves and it calms our thoughts.

When balanced we are not just able to give our love, but we also enjoy to love and nurture ourselves.

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